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RevOps Projects 30-60-90 day plan

First 30 Days: Foundation and Strategy Establishment

  1. Revenue Operations Audit and Systems Assessment:
    • Conduct a comprehensive review of existing RevOps systems and processes. Evaluate tools like Salesforce, Gong, and Outreach for integration gaps and inefficiencies.
    • Objective: Identify immediate areas for optimization and develop a strategic plan for integration and automation enhancements.
  2. Development of RevOps Command Center:
    • Establish a central analytics dashboard to provide real-time insights into sales, marketing, and customer service operations.
    • Objective: Create a unified view of all revenue-related activities to enhance decision-making and strategic alignment.
  3. Initial Cross-Functional Alignment Meetings:
    • Organize introductory meetings with key stakeholders from sales, marketing, and customer support to align on goals, communication protocols, and project timelines.
    • Objective: Establish clear communication channels and initial project buy-in, setting the stage for collaborative success.

Next 30 Days (Day 31-60): Integration and Optimization

  1. CRM System Enhancement Project:
    • Implement advanced CRM functionalities including custom fields, workflow automations, and integration with marketing automation platforms.
    • Objective: Streamline lead management processes and enhance data accuracy, leading to improved sales effectiveness.
  2. Sales Enablement Tool Rollout:
    • Introduce new sales enablement tools and training programs designed to boost sales team performance and revenue generation capabilities.
    • Objective: Equip the sales team with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively engage with prospects and close deals faster.
  3. Revenue Operations Playbook Development:
    • Develop and disseminate a RevOps playbook that outlines best practices, standard operating procedures, and strategies based on the “Command of the Message” methodology.
    • Objective: Ensure consistency in how sales messages are communicated across the organization, enhancing overall brand positioning and customer engagement.

Final 30 Days (Day 61-90): Execution and Growth

  1. Strategic Revenue Growth Initiatives:
    • Launch targeted initiatives based on earlier analytics to address specific growth areas such as market penetration, customer retention, and upselling.
    • Objective: Implement strategic actions that drive revenue growth and expand market share.
  2. Customer Success Integration Project:
    • Enhance the integration of customer success platforms with sales and marketing systems to improve lifecycle management and customer retention.
    • Objective: Develop a seamless flow of customer data across departments to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby increasing lifetime value.
  3. Quarterly Business Review (QBR) Preparation and Execution:
    • Prepare for and execute the first Quarterly Business Review under the new RevOps framework, showcasing the impact of implemented projects and outlining next steps.
    • Objective: Demonstrate early successes and strategic insights gained from new initiatives to secure ongoing executive support and funding for future RevOps projects.

Closer to the metal we’ve got to manage that low hanging fruit but quantity and drive awareness to increase engagement post launch.

Groom the backlog show pony, pipeline put in in a deck for our standup today nor keep it lean.

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”


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